Interactive UNDROP
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas

I. Definition of peasants and other people working in rural areas
II. General obligations of states
III. Equality and non-discrimination
IV. Right of peasant women and other women working in rural areas
V. Right to natural resources and the right to Development
VI. Right to life, liberty and security of person
VII. Right to freedom of movement
VIII. Right to freedom of thought opinion and expression
IX. Right to freedom of association
XI. Right to information with regard to production marketing and distribution
XV. Right to food and food sovereignty
XVI. Right to a decent income and livelihood and the means of production
XVII. Right to land and other natural ressources
XVIII. Right to a safe, clean and healthy environment
XX. Right to biological diversity
XXI. Right to water and to sanitation
XXII. Right to social security
XXIV. Right to adequate housing
XXV. Right to education and training
XXVI. Cultural rights and traditional knowledge
XXVII. Responsibility of the United Nations and others international organisations