FAO’s work on the themes of the United Nations Declarationon the Rights of Peasantsand Other People Workingin Rural Areas (UNDROP)

FAO’s work on the themes of the United Nations Declarationon the Rights of Peasantsand Other People Workingin Rural Areas (UNDROP)

This publication catalogues FAO’s extensive work under six key themes central to UNDROP: family farming; youth and gender equality; the right to a decent income and livelihood; the right to land and other natural resources; the right to seeds and biodiversity; and the right to adequate food. It can be useful for policymakers, practitioners, and…

Fact sheet on the UN Working Group on UNDROP
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Fact sheet on the UN Working Group on UNDROP

At the occasion of the election of the experts for the UN Working Group on UNDROP, Fian International, Cetim and La Via Campesina published a new fact sheet on the Working Group. The document explains why it was so impertive to have a Working Group installed. It also details what are the prerogatives of the…

UNDROP: a key to a just transition to agroecology

UNDROP: a key to a just transition to agroecology

This briefing paper was first published on Fian International website on September 19th, 2023. You can find it here. The global food crisis, rising inequalities and the triple planetary crise of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution are stark reminders that maintaining the status quo is no longer viable. We urgently need to embark on…

Universal Periodic Review of Cuba: CETIM highlights good practices on peasants’ rights

Universal Periodic Review of Cuba: CETIM highlights good practices on peasants’ rights

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a human rights protection mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council. It is a process based on the review of each UN member state’s compliance with its human rights obligations and commitments. All member States are assessed by other States, which may make recommendations on different issues and with…

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

This research brief is a publication by the Geneva Academy, you can find it on its website here. This Researche Brief is the summary of a longer publication on The Right to Seeds in Africa, you can find it on our website here. The implementation of UNDROP represents a unique opportunity to redress the imbalance…

Research Brief: The rights to food and food sovereignty in UNDROP

Research Brief: The rights to food and food sovereignty in UNDROP

RESEARCH BRIEF This research brief was first published by the Geneva Academy, you can find it here. Peasants and other people working in rural areas, including fisherfolk, pastoralists and herders feed between 70 and 80 per cent of the world population, but they represent 80 per cent of those suffering from hunger, food insecurity and…

The Implementation of the UNDROP: what is next?
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The Implementation of the UNDROP: what is next?

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) was adopted in December 2018. However, its application seems challenging. On 4th June 2021, the South Centre organized a virtual meeting aiming to promote a debate about future actions to move forward the implementation of the UNDROP.  The meeting…

Research brief: Switzerland’s foreign policy and the UNDROP
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Research brief: Switzerland’s foreign policy and the UNDROP

This Research Brief was written in the framework of the Coalition of Swiss organizations “Friends of the Declaration”, it was first published in August 2022. The coalition “Friends of the Declaration” was created following the adoption of the UNDROP in 2018, and aims to ensure that the rights enshrined in the Declaration are implemented by…

Navigating Dreams & Precarity: Working and Learning Conditions of Young Agricultural Workers, Interns and Volunteers Across Europe
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Navigating Dreams & Precarity: Working and Learning Conditions of Young Agricultural Workers, Interns and Volunteers Across Europe

A report by Priscilla Claeys and Barbara Van Dyck, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, CAWR, Coventry University, UKPublished by the Youth Articulation of the European Coordination of Via Campesina (ECVC), July 2022 This report was first published on ECVC website January 31rst, 2023. You can find it here. Peasant farmers and young agricultural workers…