Contributions to the first call for input of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

Contributions to the first call for input of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

The Working Group published a call for contributions on the implementation of UNDROP in September 2024. The purpose of this call for contributions was to enable the Working Group to begin its mandate with information from all relevant sources on progress made and difficulties encountered in implementing the Declaration at national, regional and international levels….

Empowering Rural Communities Through UNDROP – the actions of ESAFF-Uganda

Empowering Rural Communities Through UNDROP – the actions of ESAFF-Uganda

We are presenting here the work of the peasants organization ESAFF (Eastern and Southern Africa Small-Scale Farmers Forum) Uganda on the UNDROP. ESAFF-Uganda is a member organization of La Via Campesina. Call to domesticate UNDROP ESAFF-Uganda has been commited to the promotion and implementation of UNDROP for many years. Right after the adoption of the…

In defense of peasants’ rights and popular peasant feminism – Voices of Peasant Women of La Via Campesina

In defense of peasants’ rights and popular peasant feminism – Voices of Peasant Women of La Via Campesina

During La Via Campesina’s 8th International Conference in December 2023, Capire and Defending Peasants’ Rights asked women leaders of La Via Campesina what popular peasant feminism and the recognition of peasants’ rights in the UNDROP mean for them. This video was included in an article of Capire about Defending Peasants’ Rights, you can find it…

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

This research brief is a publication by the Geneva Academy, you can find it on its website here. This Researche Brief is the summary of a longer publication on The Right to Seeds in Africa, you can find it on our website here. The implementation of UNDROP represents a unique opportunity to redress the imbalance…

Videos of our webinar : The UNDROP Alive and Kicking, Peasants’ Rights in practice – A regional perspective

Videos of our webinar : The UNDROP Alive and Kicking, Peasants’ Rights in practice – A regional perspective

Videos of the webinar organized on April 17 for the International day of Peasants’ Struggle. For the International day of Peasants’ Struggles, La Via Campesina and Defending Peasants’ Rights organized a webinar on the uses of UNDROP in peasant’s struggles since its adoption. La Via Campesina members around the world are using UNDROP in their…

The legal fight of the Kenyan Peasants League against the lifting of the ban on GMO in Kenya
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The legal fight of the Kenyan Peasants League against the lifting of the ban on GMO in Kenya

Summary On October 3rd, 2022, the Kenyan Government lifted the ban on importation and cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) that had been in place for ten years. The Kenyan Peasants League (KPL) reacted immediately and filled a lawsuit against that decision. They also asked the High Court for conservatory measures, which were granted on…

Project RAISE – Rights-Based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Peasant Communities

Project RAISE – Rights-Based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Peasant Communities

The RAISE project was launched on January 2022 and aims at implementing the rights of peasants enshrined in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (UNDROP) in 10 countries of the Global South : the Philippines, India, Nepal, Kenya, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Bolivia and Mexico. It is coordinated by Action de…

Small-scale fishers: Struggles and Mobilisations
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Small-scale fishers: Struggles and Mobilisations

Nyeleni Newsletter, n°47, March 2022 Nyeleni Newsletter is the voice of the international movement committed to the defence of peoples’ rights to food sovereignty around the political platform constituted by the Nyeleni Declaration 2007. The website dedicated to its publication brings together fifteen organisations: Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), FIAN International, Focus on…