An opportunity for rural struggles: UNDROP follow-up mechanism before the Human Rights Council
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An opportunity for rural struggles: UNDROP follow-up mechanism before the Human Rights Council

This article was first published on La Via Campesina’s website on September 11th. You can find it here. Time has come for the implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) to be tackled at the international level. It is in this context that La…

Interview of Jessie MacInnis, small-scale farmer in Canada and Peasants’ rights activist
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Interview of Jessie MacInnis, small-scale farmer in Canada and Peasants’ rights activist

Jessie MacInnis is a small-scale farmer from Canada. She farms in Nova Scotia (also known as Mi’kma’ki, the unceded land of the Mi’kmaq) with her sister where they grow vegetables and flowers. She is Youth President of the National Farmers Union, which is a member organisation of La Via Campesina. Jessie is a member of…

The legal fight of the Kenyan Peasants League against the lifting of the ban on GMO in Kenya
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The legal fight of the Kenyan Peasants League against the lifting of the ban on GMO in Kenya

Summary On October 3rd, 2022, the Kenyan Government lifted the ban on importation and cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) that had been in place for ten years. The Kenyan Peasants League (KPL) reacted immediately and filled a lawsuit against that decision. They also asked the High Court for conservatory measures, which were granted on…

Inter-American Court of Human Rights: first case law on the links between the Declarations on the Rights of Peasants and Indigenous Peoples

Inter-American Court of Human Rights: first case law on the links between the Declarations on the Rights of Peasants and Indigenous Peoples

The case of Indigenous communities members of the Lhaka Honhat (Our Land) association v. Argentina In February 2020, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) handed down a ruling recognizing the rights of both indigenous peoples and peasants. It orders that indigenous peoples’ right to land be restored, and that their territory be returned to…

References on UNDROP in the work of the United Nations Human Rights mechanisms

References on UNDROP in the work of the United Nations Human Rights mechanisms

Find here all the references on UNDROP by all the Human Rights mechanisms, with periodic update. For an explanation of the use of the UNDROP by the UN Human Rights mechanisms, read our article here. NEW ! Universal Periodic Review Human Rights Council’s Special Procedures Joint Statements: Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food Special…

Switzerland-UN: What measures to support the promotion of peasants’ rights?
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Switzerland-UN: What measures to support the promotion of peasants’ rights?

This article was first published on CETIM’s website, on January 27th, 2023. You can find it here. On January 27, 2023, the human rights situation in Switzerland was examined in the framework of its Universal Periodic Review (UPR), a UN mechanism for monitoring the rights situation in all UN member countries. In this context, our…

Honduras: Supreme Court uses UNDROP article 19 on the right to seeds to declare unconstitutional the Monsanto Law

Honduras: Supreme Court uses UNDROP article 19 on the right to seeds to declare unconstitutional the Monsanto Law

In November 2021, the Supreme Court of Honduras unanimously declared the Plant Variety Protection Law (Decree Nº 21-2012) unconstitutional, on the grounds that it violated the Constitution, various international treaties ratified by Honduras, as well as international standards related to the protection of the right to adequate nutrition. This judgment is one of the first to…

ITPGRFA: Our Rights are the only hope against the confiscation of all Seeds by Multinational Patents
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ITPGRFA: Our Rights are the only hope against the confiscation of all Seeds by Multinational Patents

This article was first published on La Via Campesina’s website on September 16 2022. You can find it here. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture – commonly known as the “Seed Treaty” – is due to meet its Governing Body of 144 member states in New Delhi from 19-25 September…

UNDROP: UN experts call for action ahead of fourth anniversary

UNDROP: UN experts call for action ahead of fourth anniversary

Source: GENEVA (16 December 2022) – Despite recognition that peasants and rural workers are essential to providing everyone food and protecting the planet’s biodiversity, the world has treated them as expendable, UN experts said today. Ahead of the 17 December anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and…