How to implement the UNDROP at the European and national level to promote peasants’ rights – publication and video
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How to implement the UNDROP at the European and national level to promote peasants’ rights – publication and video

Update – Recording available! Public event “How to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) at the European and national level to promote sustainable and resilient food systems”, 19 February 2025. The event aimed to discuss with key representatives of the European Union how…

Peasant Protests in Europe

Peasant Protests in Europe

We republish here an article written by Christophe Golay linking current farmer protests in Europe to the rights contained in UNDROP. This article was originally published in English on the Geneva Graduate Institute website on February 6, 2024. A list of articles and press releases, notably from the European Coordination Via Campesina, concerning these protests…

Proposal for an EU Directive on Agricultural Land

Proposal for an EU Directive on Agricultural Land

In 2023, European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) wrote a proposal for a European directive on agricultural land based on Article 17 – right to land – of UNDROP. European directives are legislative acts that give general objectives to the member countries of the European Union, and the countries must then take measures to make these…

Webinar : Alive and kicking. Peasants’ rights into practice, a regional perspective
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Webinar : Alive and kicking. Peasants’ rights into practice, a regional perspective

La Via Campesina and Defending Peasants’ Rights will held a webinar for the International day of Peasants Struggles, April 17th 2023, at 12.00 UTC. To see at what time it will be in your time zone go here. CONNECTION LINK Join us to discover how collectives and communities are using the UNDROP to further their…

Navigating Dreams & Precarity: Working and Learning Conditions of Young Agricultural Workers, Interns and Volunteers Across Europe
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Navigating Dreams & Precarity: Working and Learning Conditions of Young Agricultural Workers, Interns and Volunteers Across Europe

A report by Priscilla Claeys and Barbara Van Dyck, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, CAWR, Coventry University, UKPublished by the Youth Articulation of the European Coordination of Via Campesina (ECVC), July 2022 This report was first published on ECVC website January 31rst, 2023. You can find it here. Peasant farmers and young agricultural workers…

EU-MERCOSUR FTA violates peasants’ rights and climate commitments
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EU-MERCOSUR FTA violates peasants’ rights and climate commitments

This article was originally published on the website of La Via Campesina. Joint statement by the European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) and the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo CLOC – Via Campesina condemning the EU-MERCOSUR free trade agreement as undemocratic and in violation of peasants’ rights and climate commitments. This statement comes at a…

Small-scale fishers: Struggles and Mobilisations
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Small-scale fishers: Struggles and Mobilisations

Nyeleni Newsletter, n°47, March 2022 Nyeleni Newsletter is the voice of the international movement committed to the defence of peoples’ rights to food sovereignty around the political platform constituted by the Nyeleni Declaration 2007. The website dedicated to its publication brings together fifteen organisations: Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), FIAN International, Focus on…

Transitioning towards pesticide-free food systems: People’s struggles and imagination
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Transitioning towards pesticide-free food systems: People’s struggles and imagination

The last part of this publication is dedicated to the UNDROP, it is entitled: A path forward grounded in human rights: implementation of the International Covenants as detailed by “UNDROP” Download

UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants: What it Means for Canada
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UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants: What it Means for Canada

In this webinar, panelists explored the scope of the new UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas and what it means for Canada. Presentations and panelists: Why is UNDROP necessary? : Geneviève Savigny, La Vía Campesina’s Peasant Rights Collective, Confédération Paysanne, France A Crucial Right: The Right to…