Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°3

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°3

Victory for Peasants’ Rights! The United Nations Human Rights Council votes in favor of creating a Working Group on UNDROP On October 12th, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted, with a very wide majority, for the creation of a Working Group dedicated to the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people…

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La Via Campesina and CETIM have organized a training course for La Via Campesina members in August 2023, and are now making training materials available to all. This material is also available in PDF version here. Session 2 of the UNDROP training seminar aims to provide a general overview and analysis of the key rights…

Video-interview with Guy Kastler (LVC): The importance of the rights to seeds for peasants

Video-interview with Guy Kastler (LVC): The importance of the rights to seeds for peasants

Guy Kasler, peasant rights activist and member of the Confédération Paysanne (France) and La Via Campesina, talks about the importance of the right to seeds for family farmers. Indeed, their ability to produce food and meet their own needs depends on it. But we mustn’t forget that this rights is also important for humanity as…

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

This research brief is a publication by the Geneva Academy, you can find it on its website here. This Researche Brief is the summary of a longer publication on The Right to Seeds in Africa, you can find it on our website here. The implementation of UNDROP represents a unique opportunity to redress the imbalance…

Interview of Jessie MacInnis, small-scale farmer in Canada and Peasants’ rights activist
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Interview of Jessie MacInnis, small-scale farmer in Canada and Peasants’ rights activist

Jessie MacInnis is a small-scale farmer from Canada. She farms in Nova Scotia (also known as Mi’kma’ki, the unceded land of the Mi’kmaq) with her sister where they grow vegetables and flowers. She is Youth President of the National Farmers Union, which is a member organisation of La Via Campesina. Jessie is a member of…

The legal fight of the Kenyan Peasants League against the lifting of the ban on GMO in Kenya
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The legal fight of the Kenyan Peasants League against the lifting of the ban on GMO in Kenya

Summary On October 3rd, 2022, the Kenyan Government lifted the ban on importation and cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMO) that had been in place for ten years. The Kenyan Peasants League (KPL) reacted immediately and filled a lawsuit against that decision. They also asked the High Court for conservatory measures, which were granted on…

Recovering the cycle of wisdom: Beacons of light toward the right to seeds

Recovering the cycle of wisdom: Beacons of light toward the right to seeds

Guide for the Implementation of Peasants’ Rights This guide was first published on Fian International website on May 4th, 2021. You can find it here. This guide aims to provide practical guidance for food producers’ organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs) as well as governments and public institutions about how to implement peasants’ and Indigenous Peoples’…

ITPGRFA: Our Rights are the only hope against the confiscation of all Seeds by Multinational Patents
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ITPGRFA: Our Rights are the only hope against the confiscation of all Seeds by Multinational Patents

This article was first published on La Via Campesina’s website on September 16 2022. You can find it here. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture – commonly known as the “Seed Treaty” – is due to meet its Governing Body of 144 member states in New Delhi from 19-25 September…