Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°7
Calls for inputs from the UN Working Group
At the beginning of February, the UN Working Group on UNDROP published a new call for inputs: Global trends in challenges affecting peasants and other people working in rural areas, as well as their right to equal participation. This call is an opportunity for all organizations to share information and testimonies with the Working Group’s experts. These contributions will serve as the basis for future reports to the Human Rights Council and the UN General Assembly. We therefore relay this call and encourage all interested organizations to participate. The call for contributions closes on March 21.
We have also published on our website a selection of contributions made during the Working Group’s first call, in autumn 2024. These contributions are a snapshot of the state of peasants’ and workers’ rights, and can serve as an example for organizations wishing to respond to the current call.
Finally, to understand the role and weight of the reports written from the contributions, you can read the brand-new publication by Christophe Golay of the Geneva Academy on the Working Group. In this publication, he presents the mandate and functioning of the Working Group, and explains how the Group can be a catalyst for the implementation of UNDROP.

Rural workers: 2 new articles!
In recent months, we have published two articles dedicated to rural workers. Firstly, in December, an article exploring the Declaration from the rural workers’ perspective, with a particular focus on the articles on the right to work (art.13) and the right to a safe and healthy working environment (art. 14). This article aims to highlight the role of workers within UNDROP, explaining both the rights specifically dedicated to them, and those that may be particularly useful to them.

The second publication is devoted to the Policy guidelines for the promotion of decent work in the agri-food sector, adopted by the International Labour Organization in 2023. IUF, the International Union of Food and Agricultural Workers, which took part in the UNDROP negotiations, was involved in drawing up these Principles. The Principles set out a framework for action to ensure decent work in the agri-food industry. They share many of UNDROP’s themes concerning workers and the transformations that need to be undertaken in the agro-industry to guarantee workers’ rights.
Defending peasants’ rights goes to Bluesky and Mastodon
The Editorial board of Defending Peasants’ Rights has decided to undertake a phased exit from the X social network. We find it impossible to stay on this network, not only because of the positions taken by its owner, but also because of the more than partisan use of its algorithm. Twitter has long been the social network for sharing information about struggles, and we hope that others will follow suit.
You can now follow us on Bluesky and, more importantly, join us on Mastodon, both under the alias: @DefendingUNDROP

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This website is owed to the support of: HEKS/EPER and Action de Carême.