
First report of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

On September 19th, The UN Working Group on UNDROP has submitted its first report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. If the first two parts of the report are dedicated to the context of their mandate and the history of the recognition of the UNDROP, the last parts of the report are a first view of how the group understands its mandate and will carry it out.

According to this report, the Working Group fully recognized the peasants and rural workers role in the recognition of UNDROP and intends to keep them as the main actors for implementation of their rights.

“In the present report, its first to the Human Rights Council, the Working Group
provides a brief analysis of the situation of peasants and other people working in rural areas
(sect. II) and a historical overview relating to the adoption of the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas and the
establishment of the Working Group (Sect. III). Section IV contains an outline of an initial
conceptual framework that the Working Group has elaborated to guide its interpretation of
the Declaration and facilitate its implementation at the national, regional and international
levels. Section V contains an overview of the methods of work agreed upon by the
Working Group at its first session.

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