Nyeleni: Introducing the message of pastoralist communities – a voice from the land

Nyeleni: Introducing the message of pastoralist communities – a voice from the land

We publish here the Nyeleni Newsletter n°46: Introducing the message of pastoral communities, a voice from the field. This newsletter was published in December 2021. We publish it to carry the voice of pastoral communities, communities recognized and endowed with rights by the UNDROP. In this newsletter, you’ll find testimonials from communities, as well as…

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°4 

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°4 

On December 12th, Defending Peasants Rights celebrated its first birthday! In one year, we have gathered more than a 100 publications: stories of struggles, training videos, interviews about case law, reports on specific rights, there is something for everyone! With this new year beginning, we look forward to sharing with you even more contents. We…

Peasant Protests in Europe

Peasant Protests in Europe

We republish here an article written by Christophe Golay linking current farmer protests in Europe to the rights contained in UNDROP. This article was originally published in English on the Geneva Graduate Institute website on February 6, 2024. A list of articles and press releases, notably from the European Coordination Via Campesina, concerning these protests…

Podcast Peasant Voices | Episode 2 – The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (UNDROP)
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Podcast Peasant Voices | Episode 2 – The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (UNDROP)

This podcast was produced by La Via Campesina, and is the second episode in a series entitled: Peasant Voices – on the road to the 8th International Conference. You can find the episode on La Via Campesina’s website here. Episode 2 focuses on the Declaration of the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in…

Diego Montón: “Agrarian reform is a UN orientation and not only a leftist slogan”.

Diego Montón: “Agrarian reform is a UN orientation and not only a leftist slogan”.

This article was written by Diego Pintos and published by Tiempo Argentino on November 10, 2023, and is available here. The leader of the Movimiento Nacional Campesino Indígena-Somos Tierra (MNCI-ST), analyzes the recent creation of a working group under the auspices of the United Nations to guarantee peasant rights. On October 11, 2023, a global…

Does agriculture need “new technologies”?

Does agriculture need “new technologies”?

This article was published in the Swiss newspaper Le Temps on September 7, 2023, and can be found here (in French). In this article, Melik Özden, director of Cetim, responds to the director of the multinational seed company Syngenta, promoting new technologies in agriculture. He prefers peasant agriculture to new technologies, and calls for the…

What is a peasant? What are peasantries?

What is a peasant? What are peasantries?

In 2013, for the first session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on what would be the UNDROP, Marc Edelman, Professor of Anthropology at Hunter College (New York), wrote an article on the term peasant. This article is a “must read” for anyone wanting to understand the use of peasant in the UNDROP. To have the…

Universal Periodic Review of Cuba: CETIM highlights good practices on peasants’ rights

Universal Periodic Review of Cuba: CETIM highlights good practices on peasants’ rights

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a human rights protection mechanism of the UN Human Rights Council. It is a process based on the review of each UN member state’s compliance with its human rights obligations and commitments. All member States are assessed by other States, which may make recommendations on different issues and with…

In the name of climate: The criminalization of peasants and forest guardians in Thailand

In the name of climate: The criminalization of peasants and forest guardians in Thailand

In Thailand, the government has been rolling out a climate change mitigation policy since 2014. One of the components of this policy concerns the protection of the country’s forests. For this strand, the government has decided to sanctuary these lands in defiance of the lives and rights of the people who live and depend on…