In defense of peasants’ rights and popular peasant feminism – Voices of Peasant Women of La Via Campesina

In defense of peasants’ rights and popular peasant feminism – Voices of Peasant Women of La Via Campesina

During La Via Campesina’s 8th International Conference in December 2023, Capire and Defending Peasants’ Rights asked women leaders of La Via Campesina what popular peasant feminism and the recognition of peasants’ rights in the UNDROP mean for them. This video was included in an article of Capire about Defending Peasants’ Rights, you can find it…

Nyeleni: Introducing the message of pastoralist communities – a voice from the land

Nyeleni: Introducing the message of pastoralist communities – a voice from the land

We publish here the Nyeleni Newsletter n°46: Introducing the message of pastoral communities, a voice from the field. This newsletter was published in December 2021. We publish it to carry the voice of pastoral communities, communities recognized and endowed with rights by the UNDROP. In this newsletter, you’ll find testimonials from communities, as well as…

Podcast Peasant Voices | Episode 2 – The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (UNDROP)
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Podcast Peasant Voices | Episode 2 – The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (UNDROP)

This podcast was produced by La Via Campesina, and is the second episode in a series entitled: Peasant Voices – on the road to the 8th International Conference. You can find the episode on La Via Campesina’s website here. Episode 2 focuses on the Declaration of the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in…

Interview of Jessie MacInnis, small-scale farmer in Canada and Peasants’ rights activist
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Interview of Jessie MacInnis, small-scale farmer in Canada and Peasants’ rights activist

Jessie MacInnis is a small-scale farmer from Canada. She farms in Nova Scotia (also known as Mi’kma’ki, the unceded land of the Mi’kmaq) with her sister where they grow vegetables and flowers. She is Youth President of the National Farmers Union, which is a member organisation of La Via Campesina. Jessie is a member of…

Videos of our webinar : The UNDROP Alive and Kicking, Peasants’ Rights in practice – A regional perspective

Videos of our webinar : The UNDROP Alive and Kicking, Peasants’ Rights in practice – A regional perspective

Videos of the webinar organized on April 17 for the International day of Peasants’ Struggle. For the International day of Peasants’ Struggles, La Via Campesina and Defending Peasants’ Rights organized a webinar on the uses of UNDROP in peasant’s struggles since its adoption. La Via Campesina members around the world are using UNDROP in their…

Inter-American Court of Human Rights: first case law on the links between the Declarations on the Rights of Peasants and Indigenous Peoples

Inter-American Court of Human Rights: first case law on the links between the Declarations on the Rights of Peasants and Indigenous Peoples

The case of Indigenous communities members of the Lhaka Honhat (Our Land) association v. Argentina In February 2020, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) handed down a ruling recognizing the rights of both indigenous peoples and peasants. It orders that indigenous peoples’ right to land be restored, and that their territory be returned to…

Transitioning towards pesticide-free food systems: People’s struggles and imagination
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Transitioning towards pesticide-free food systems: People’s struggles and imagination

The last part of this publication is dedicated to the UNDROP, it is entitled: A path forward grounded in human rights: implementation of the International Covenants as detailed by “UNDROP” Download

UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants: What it Means for Canada
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UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants: What it Means for Canada

In this webinar, panelists explored the scope of the new UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas and what it means for Canada. Presentations and panelists: Why is UNDROP necessary? : Geneviève Savigny, La Vía Campesina’s Peasant Rights Collective, Confédération Paysanne, France A Crucial Right: The Right to…