In the name of climate: The criminalization of peasants and forest guardians in Thailand

In the name of climate: The criminalization of peasants and forest guardians in Thailand

In Thailand, the government has been rolling out a climate change mitigation policy since 2014. One of the components of this policy concerns the protection of the country’s forests. For this strand, the government has decided to sanctuary these lands in defiance of the lives and rights of the people who live and depend on…

La Via Campesina’s petition on Palestine : More than 2900 signatories demand immediate action!
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La Via Campesina’s petition on Palestine : More than 2900 signatories demand immediate action!

Defending Peasants’ Rights relays here the petition launched by La Via Campesina on October 21st and joins its call for a immidiate stop to the war on Palestinian people by Israel. You can find the petition HERE. You can find this article with the list of signatories HERE on La Via Campesina’s website. More than…

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°3

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°3

Victory for Peasants’ Rights! The United Nations Human Rights Council votes in favor of creating a Working Group on UNDROP On October 12th, the United Nations Human Rights Council voted, with a very wide majority, for the creation of a Working Group dedicated to the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people…

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La Via Campesina and CETIM have organized a training course for La Via Campesina members in August 2023, and are now making training materials available to all. This material is also available in PDF version here. In December 2018, after 17 intense years of work and negotiations, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the United…

Victory! UN Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution to Advance Peasants’ Rights Worldwide

Victory! UN Human Rights Council Adopts Resolution to Advance Peasants’ Rights Worldwide

This article was first published on La Via Campesina’s website on October 11th, 2023. You can find it here. (Bagnolet, October 11, 2023) In its 54th session, an overwhelming majority of member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council took a historic step by voting in favor of  a resolution aimed at further implementing…

The protection of the rights of peasants as part of the fight against corporate impunity

The protection of the rights of peasants as part of the fight against corporate impunity

This interview was published on Cetim’s website on September 18, 2023, and can be found here. Cetim is one of the founders of Defending Peasants’ Rights, and one of its battles is against the impunity of transnational corporations (TNCs) and for a binding treaty on TNCs and human rights. Cetim is part of a coalition…

La Via Campesina and CETIM denounce the sanctions against Niger
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La Via Campesina and CETIM denounce the sanctions against Niger

This article was first published on Cetim’s website, on September 20th, 2023. You can find it here. On July 26, 2023, the Nigerien military overthrew the President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum. In response, a number of international organizations took coercive economic measures, such as blocking the banking system and imposing trade embargoes. Unilateral coercive measures…

An opportunity for rural struggles: UNDROP follow-up mechanism before the Human Rights Council
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An opportunity for rural struggles: UNDROP follow-up mechanism before the Human Rights Council

This article was first published on La Via Campesina’s website on September 11th. You can find it here. Time has come for the implementation of United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP) to be tackled at the international level. It is in this context that La…

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas: One Step Forward in the Promotion of Human Rights for the Most Vulnerable

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas: One Step Forward in the Promotion of Human Rights for the Most Vulnerable

This article is a Research Paper from the South Center, it was first published in November 2020. In this paper the two authors, who were key actors of the adoption of UNDROP, explain how the UNDROP came to be, some of the rights enshrined in it and finally they open perspectives for the future. There…

Peasant agriculture: a key element in the fight against the climate crisis
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Peasant agriculture: a key element in the fight against the climate crisis

The current climate crisis is undeniably part of the ongoing multidimensional crisis of the neoliberal system: a system that sacrifices environmental balances and ecosystems for the short-term profit of dominant minorities, particularly the transnational agribusiness. In the face of this, advocacy efforts are being made at international level to counter the devastating effects of this…