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Peasant agriculture: a key element in the fight against the climate crisis
The current climate crisis is undeniably part of the ongoing multidimensional crisis of the neoliberal system: a system that sacrifices environmental balances and ecosystems for the short-term profit of dominant minorities, particularly the transnational agribusiness. In the face of this, advocacy efforts are being made at international level to counter the devastating effects of this…

The United Nations Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas
This paper was published in October 2019 in the Journal of Peasants Studies, in its Grassroots Voices section. They are described as : “views that are written and presented in a non-academic style which provide important insights and information relevant to critical rural development studies. Grassroots Voices are intended to share wisdom and analysis direct…

Diego Montón: “Agrarian reform is a UN orientation and not only a leftist slogan”.
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Palestine: no food sovereignty without national sovereignty
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The Implementation of the UNDROP: what is next?
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Research brief: The implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas
“The implementation of the UNDROP represents a unique opportunity to re-balance power relations in rural areas, and to guarantee that states will respect, protect and fulfil the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, who have too often been marginalised within international, regional and national laws and policies”.