Call for input – Global trends in challenges affecting peasants and other people working in rural areas, as well as their right to equal participation

The UN Working Group on UNDROP is issuing a call for inputs for its next thematic reports on global trends and challenges affecting peasants and other people working in rural areas (for the Human Rights Council), as well as on the right to participation (for the UN General Assembly).

This call for inputs is addressed to any person or organization interested by these subjects. Rights holders and their representative organizations are strongly encouraged to respond. The inputs will be the base material for the next reports of the five experts of the Working Group, they will reflect the situations, ideas and suggestions described in the inputs. It is an opportunity to give them the perspective of all the people first concerned by UNDROP. Reports to the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council are an important part of the mandate of the Working Group. They are both a well of information and guidelines for all the actors of the implementation of UNDROP.

We are reproducing below the call for inputs, you can find the official page here.

Deadline: 21 March 2025

Purpose:To inform the Working Group’s thematic reports on global trends and challenges affecting peasants and other people working in rural areas (Human Rights Council), as well as on the right to participation (UN General Assembly).


Peasants and other people working in rural areas face profound and growing challenges that impede the full realization of their rights, as enshrined in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (UNDROP). Despite important strides in recognizing their contributions, persistent and emerging risks – from insecure land tenure and restrictive seed policies to gender discrimination and inadequate social and labour protections – continue to undermine the stability and dignity of peasant and rural communities.

In light of these challenges and pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 54/9, the Working Group on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas will prepare two thematic reports in 2025. The first report to be presented to the Human Rights Council, in September 2025, will offer an analytical overview of global trends and challenges affecting peasants. It will do so by identifying and assessing the persistent or emerging risks and vulnerabilities that peasants and other people working in rural areas face, while also considering opportunities to advance their rights. The second report of the Working Group will be presented to the UN General Assembly, in October 2025. It will focus on the right of peasants to participate in public affairs, including a safe and enabling environment conducive to the exercise by peasants of their right to equal participation.

To inform the two thematic reports, the Working Group invites governments, peasants and other people working in rural areas, international and regional organizations, national human rights institutions, civil society, academics, companies and any other interested individuals and organizations to provide written inputs.

Key questions and types of input/comments sought
  1. What are the main challenges facing peasants, small-scale fishers, pastoralists and other people working in rural areas in your country?
  2. How does your government, organization or community address those challenges affecting the rights of peasants and rural workers? Please provide specific examples, where possible.
  3. What policies or measures have been found effective to promote the rights of peasants and rural workers in your country?
  4. What specific groups of peasants or rural workers may be at particular risk in your country; and what measures have been, or could be, taken to mitigate those risks?
  5. What are the challenges or violations facing peasants and other people working in rural areas in their exercise of the right to equal participation at the local, national, and international level?
  6. What laws, policies or other measures exist to recognize and/or promote the right to participation for peasants and other people working in rural areas?
  7. When the right to participation for peasants and other people working in rural areas is violated, what judicial and non-judicial procedures, remedies and processes are available to address the violations, and how effective are they?
  8. What policies and measures have been found effective in empowering peasants and other rural communities to participate in decision-making at the local, national, or international levels?
Next Steps
  • Input/comments may be sent by e-mail. They must be received by 21 March 2025 00:00 (Geneva time).
  • Please indicate your details (name, government/ institution/ organization, contact details) for any follow up queries.
  • Additional supporting materials, such as reports, academic studies, and other background materials may be linked in the body of the submission or annexed to the submission.
  • Unless otherwise specified by those making a submission, submissions will be made public on the Working Group’s website.
  • Please feel free to circulate this call for inputs widely in your networks.

Email address: [email protected]

Email subject line: Input for HRC and UNGA reports on peasants and other rural workers

Word/Page limit:
1500 words

Accepted file formats:
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