
Civil society organizations’ written statement to the first report of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

On the occasion of the presentation of the first report of the UN Working Group to the Human Rights Council, Cetim and Fian International made a written statement to the Council. The statement was written and sent prior to the publication of the Working Group’s report.

The statement puts into context the adoption of the Declaration and the creation of the Working Group. Cetim and Fian explain that the rights of peasants and rural workers are first and foremost their realization, and that they must remain at the heart of the processes for their implementation. It is also recalled that peasants’ and workers’ organizations worked for the creation of the Working Group.

This written statement therefore supports the Working Group and its future work. The organizations thus propose priority areas of work for the Working Group: the collection and dissemination of best practices, technical support and monitoring of the implementation of the Declaration rights at the heart of peasants’ and workers’ struggles.

La Via Campesina is not the author of this statement, as it does not have consultative status with the Human Rights Council, but shares the views expressed.

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