Contributions to the first call for input of the UN Working Group on UNDROP
The Working Group published a call for contributions on the implementation of UNDROP in September 2024. The purpose of this call for contributions was to enable the Working Group to begin its mandate with information from all relevant sources on progress made and difficulties encountered in implementing the Declaration at national, regional and international levels. The Working Group used this information to identify priority issues and build a working strategy for the next few years of their mandate.
The Working Group received just over 80 contributions, 10 from States, 10 from national human rights institutions, 60 from civil society organizations and 1 from a UN entity. You can find all the contributions here.
On this page, we have compiled contributions from organizations representing rights holders, as well as from a number of other sources. These contributions are a mine of information on the realities of both the violations and the advances of the rights contained in UNDROP.
We are highlighting some of the contributions, particularly from parties who have so far been less visible in the struggles to implement UNDROP.