Honduras: La Via Campesina Global Meeting on Migrant and Rural Workers’ Rights

Honduras: La Via Campesina Global Meeting on Migrant and Rural Workers’ Rights

This article was first published on La Via Campesina website on October 26, 2022. You can find it here.  (October 26, 2022) From 25 to 28 October 2022, the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, will host La Via Campesina’s global meeting on the rights of migrants and rural workers. Fifty peasant delegates from different parts of…

ITPGRFA: Our Rights are the only hope against the confiscation of all Seeds by Multinational Patents
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ITPGRFA: Our Rights are the only hope against the confiscation of all Seeds by Multinational Patents

This article was first published on La Via Campesina’s website on September 16 2022. You can find it here. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture – commonly known as the “Seed Treaty” – is due to meet its Governing Body of 144 member states in New Delhi from 19-25 September…

UNDROP: UN experts call for action ahead of fourth anniversary

UNDROP: UN experts call for action ahead of fourth anniversary

Source: https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2022/12/un-declaration-rights-peasants-un-experts-call-action-ahead-anniversary GENEVA (16 December 2022) – Despite recognition that peasants and rural workers are essential to providing everyone food and protecting the planet’s biodiversity, the world has treated them as expendable, UN experts said today. Ahead of the 17 December anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and…

Peasants’ rights: Reflections on COP27

Peasants’ rights: Reflections on COP27

Another UN Climate COP has come and gone – the 27th to be precise – and the so-called “negotiators” of the global climate crisis again proved themselves utterly unwilling or unable to limit the reign of fossil fuel capitalists, corporate agribusiness or their friends in high finance. For La Via Campesina, the global peasant movement…

A View from the Countryside: Contesting and constructing human rights in an age of converging crises

A View from the Countryside: Contesting and constructing human rights in an age of converging crises

This text is a collective publication of the Transnational Institute, Emancipatory Rural Politics Initiative (ERPI) and Fian International. Abstract In the face of the interlinked global financial and climate crisis, there is an urgent need to understand and use human rights frameworks in radical ways. Climate change itself poses massive threats to human rights, but…

‘We Feed the World’ | An illustrated book in defense of peasant agriculture

‘We Feed the World’ | An illustrated book in defense of peasant agriculture

Transnational Agribusiness has long violated the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas with impunity. Backed by capital accumulated by exploiting agricultural producers, these Corporations work in connivance with local authorities, governments and sometimes even mercenaries. They forcefully evict people from their lands, push through pro-corporate reforms at the cost of public…

The UNDROP: A Tool of Struggle for Our Common Future

The UNDROP: A Tool of Struggle for Our Common Future

CETIM’s book (digital version in free access) “The UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants. A Tool of Struggle for Our Common Future” tells the story of how an idea from an Indonesian peasants’ union can go a long way… Up to the adoption of an international instrument within the UN. The UN is the…

Training sheets on peasants’ rights

Training sheets on peasants’ rights

CETIM has published a series of training sheets to serve as support for activities and trainings in view of the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (Declaration). After adopting the Declaration, we are now in a new phase: implementation. It is absolutely vital…

Thematic Booklet Nº2 : “Peasant Rights and Food Production”

Thematic Booklet Nº2 : “Peasant Rights and Food Production”

The Second Thematic Booklet on “Peasant Rights and Food Production” is now available! This is the second of four thematic booklets—part of the popular education materials to be used as a crucial step in reconnecting those who inspired and created United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in the Rural…