Coffee and carbon in Colombia: Human rights concerns at the intersection of food systems, climate change and data-based technologies

Coffee and carbon in Colombia: Human rights concerns at the intersection of food systems, climate change and data-based technologies

This report was first published on Fian International’s website in June 2024. The introduction below was written specifically for Defending Peasants’ Rights, to highlight the UNDROP’s role. You can find the original introduction here and the report below. Carbon markets vs. peasant autonomy: UNDROP’s role in safeguarding rights and data sovereignty There is an urgent…

Advocacy efforts to the first session of the UN Working Group on Rights of Peasants in Geneva
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Advocacy efforts to the first session of the UN Working Group on Rights of Peasants in Geneva

This article was first published on La Via Campesina’s website on November 14th, you can find it here. From the 21st to the 25th of October 2024, the United Nations Working Group on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (the Working Group) held its second session in Geneva. The Working…

The Working Group on the Rights of Peasants and COP16:Advancing Peasants’ Rights in Biodiversity Conservation

The Working Group on the Rights of Peasants and COP16:Advancing Peasants’ Rights in Biodiversity Conservation

Prior to the COP 16 to the Convention on Biological Diversity in October 2024, the UN Working Group on the Rights of Peasants released the following statement on the interrelation between the Convention and UNDROP. They argued that the COP is a critical space and moment for advancing the rights of peasants and other people…

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°6

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°6

New category on the website: The UN Working Group on UNDROP  In September, Defending Peasants’ Rights added a new category: the UN Working Group on UNDROP!  The creation of the Working Group is a major step forward for the implementation of UNDROP at all levels. It’s important to make it accessible to everyone, by putting together…

Dossier: Activities surrounding the first report of the UNDROP Working Group

Dossier: Activities surrounding the first report of the UNDROP Working Group

In September 2024, the UN Working Group on UNDROP presented its first annual report to the Human Rights Council. The presentation of this first official report was an opportunity for La Via Campesina and allied organizations to take part in discussions at international level. La Via Campesina was able to position itself as a constant…

Video: Implementing the Right to Food Guidelines and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants in Africa and Europe: A Civil Society Perspective
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Video: Implementing the Right to Food Guidelines and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants in Africa and Europe: A Civil Society Perspective

The Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to food in the context of national food security (Right to Food Guidelines) were adopted 20 years ago, and the CFS52 in October 2024 will take stock of their implementation. This side-event of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security in Rome brought civil…

Towards an international recognition of the environmental component of peasantry – Pathways from the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Towards an international recognition of the environmental component of peasantry – Pathways from the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Notes from the authors Introduction In this article we propose three approaches to recognize the “environmental component of the peasantry” in international environmental law. This concept, introduced by the Colombian Constitution through Legislative Act 01 of 2023, mandates that decision-making processes affecting peasants take into account their special relationship with the ecosystems they rely on….

Introducing the members of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

Introducing the members of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

At its 54th session in October 2023, the UN Human Rights Council adopted a resolution establishing a Working Group on the Declaration of the Rights of Peasants and Other Rural Workers. The five experts making up this group were appointed at the following session, on April 5th, 2024. And on September 19th 2024, these experts…

Civil society organizations’ written statement to the first report of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

Civil society organizations’ written statement to the first report of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

On the occasion of the presentation of the first report of the UN Working Group to the Human Rights Council, Cetim and Fian International made a written statement to the Council. The statement was written and sent prior to the publication of the Working Group’s report. The statement puts into context the adoption of the…

First report of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

First report of the UN Working Group on UNDROP

On September 19th, The UN Working Group on UNDROP has submitted its first report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. If the first two parts of the report are dedicated to the context of their mandate and the history of the recognition of the UNDROP, the last parts of the report are a first…

The UN Working Group on the UNDROP – Video presentation by Geneviève Savigny
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The UN Working Group on the UNDROP – Video presentation by Geneviève Savigny

Belgium, July 2024. Geneviève Savigny, Chair of the UN Working Group on UNDROP, introduces us to the group, its mandate, prerogatives and initial projects.She also explains how to contact the Group’s experts. She emphasizes the importance of being able to interact with peasants and rural workers.She concludes her presentation with a message of support and…