The UN Declaration on the rights of peasants as a tool for promoting collective rights
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The UN Declaration on the rights of peasants as a tool for promoting collective rights

This article was published in Friends of the Earth International’s website in April 2021. Around the world, people and communities are active in defence of the commons, territories, and peoples’ rights. From peasants protecting their seeds and traditional practices from transnational agribusiness to forest communities resisting destructive logging, many of these collective struggles take place…

Inauguration of the peasants’ union SPI Food Sovereignty Area in Bogor, Indonesia

Inauguration of the peasants’ union SPI Food Sovereignty Area in Bogor, Indonesia

On March 31st, 2022 the Indonesian Peasants Union (SPI) inaugurated the Food Sovereignty Area (KDP) in Ciaruteun Ilir Village, Cibungbulang District, Bogor Regency, West Java. This food sovereignty area is a concrete example of the local realization of the rights of peasants, as enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and…

EU-MERCOSUR FTA violates peasants’ rights and climate commitments
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EU-MERCOSUR FTA violates peasants’ rights and climate commitments

This article was originally published on the website of La Via Campesina. Joint statement by the European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC) and the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones del Campo CLOC – Via Campesina condemning the EU-MERCOSUR free trade agreement as undemocratic and in violation of peasants’ rights and climate commitments. This statement comes at a…

Honduras: Supreme Court uses UNDROP article 19 on the right to seeds to declare unconstitutional the Monsanto Law

Honduras: Supreme Court uses UNDROP article 19 on the right to seeds to declare unconstitutional the Monsanto Law

In November 2021, the Supreme Court of Honduras unanimously declared the Plant Variety Protection Law (Decree Nº 21-2012) unconstitutional, on the grounds that it violated the Constitution, various international treaties ratified by Honduras, as well as international standards related to the protection of the right to adequate nutrition. This judgment is one of the first to…

Project RAISE – Rights-Based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Peasant Communities

Project RAISE – Rights-Based and Agroecological Initiatives for Sustainability and Equity in Peasant Communities

The RAISE project was launched on January 2022 and aims at implementing the rights of peasants enshrined in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (UNDROP) in 10 countries of the Global South : the Philippines, India, Nepal, Kenya, Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, South Africa, Bolivia and Mexico. It is coordinated by Action de…

Recovering the cycle of wisdom: Beacons of light toward the right to seeds

Recovering the cycle of wisdom: Beacons of light toward the right to seeds

Guide for the Implementation of Peasants’ Rights This guide was first published on Fian International website on May 4th, 2021. You can find it here. This guide aims to provide practical guidance for food producers’ organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs) as well as governments and public institutions about how to implement peasants’ and Indigenous Peoples’…

UNDROP Thematic Booklet No. 4: “Peasants as Political Subjects”

UNDROP Thematic Booklet No. 4: “Peasants as Political Subjects”

This Booklet was first published on La Via Campesina website on January 24, 2023. You can find it here. The fourth Thematic Booklet on “Peasants as Political Subjects” is now available! This is the last of four thematic booklets—part of the popular education materials to be used as a crucial step in reconnecting those who…

Launching the UNDROP booklet in Brazil: Potency, hope and resistance!
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Launching the UNDROP booklet in Brazil: Potency, hope and resistance!

After nearly two decades of struggle to advance the peasants’ rights agenda in the international fora of the United Nations, the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas was finally adopted in 2018. What a ground-breaking victory for the several social movements and organisations that persistently fought for…

The path of Peasant and Popular Feminism in La Via Campesina
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The path of Peasant and Popular Feminism in La Via Campesina

This publication was originally published on the La Via Campesina website on June 11, 2021. La Via Campesina, presents the publication “The Path of Peasant and Popular Feminism in La Via Campesina” with the aim of strengthening the training processes of the Movement and to build Peasant and Popular Feminism as a political tool against…

Small-scale fishers: Struggles and Mobilisations
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Small-scale fishers: Struggles and Mobilisations

Nyeleni Newsletter, n°47, March 2022 Nyeleni Newsletter is the voice of the international movement committed to the defence of peoples’ rights to food sovereignty around the political platform constituted by the Nyeleni Declaration 2007. The website dedicated to its publication brings together fifteen organisations: Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), FIAN International, Focus on…

Shedding a Light on the Human Rights of Small-scale Fishers: Complementarities and Contrasts between the UN Declaration on Peasants’ Rights and the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

Shedding a Light on the Human Rights of Small-scale Fishers: Complementarities and Contrasts between the UN Declaration on Peasants’ Rights and the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines

in Brunori et al, Commentary on the Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (Routledge, 2021 Forthcoming) Abstract The UN Declaration on Peasants’ Rights (UNDROP) underscores the need for a coherent interpretation and application of existing international human rights to the specific context of small-scale fisheries (SSF), including small-scale marine and continental capture fishing, small-scale aquaculture,…

The right to land

The right to land

This publication is available in CETIM’s website. The recognition of the right to land, a historic demand by peasant movements throughout the world, is gaining momentum at the international level. This publication takes stock of this major issue of our times, fundamental not only for all peasants but also for the rest of humanity, at…