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The UN Working Group on the UNDROP – Video presentation by Geneviève Savigny
Belgium, July 2024. Geneviève Savigny, Chair of the UN Working Group on UNDROP, introduces us to the group, its mandate, prerogatives and initial projects.She also explains how to contact the Group’s experts. She emphasizes the importance of being able to interact with peasants and rural workers.She concludes her presentation with a message of support and…

Research Brief: The rights to food and food sovereignty in UNDROP
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Video-interview with Guy Kastler (LVC): The importance of the rights to seeds for peasants
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Trade and biodiversity: two areas at the heart of the interaction between the right to development and UNDROP
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Navigating Dreams & Precarity: Working and Learning Conditions of Young Agricultural Workers, Interns and Volunteers Across Europe
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UNDROP: a key to a just transition to agroecology
This briefing paper was first published on Fian International website on September 19th, 2023. You can find it here. The global food crisis, rising inequalities and the triple planetary crise of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution are stark reminders that maintaining the status quo is no longer viable. We urgently need to embark on…