Peasant rights at the top of the UN agenda
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Peasant rights at the top of the UN agenda

This article was first published on La Via Campesina and CETIM website on October 3rd 2022. In the framework of the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), a delegation of La Via Campesina (LVC), supported by its historical allies CETIM and FIAN International, met in Geneva to continue the advocacy work in…

The Rights of Peasants: A juridical and political lever to challenge the power of transnational corporations

The Rights of Peasants: A juridical and political lever to challenge the power of transnational corporations

This article was originally published on the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s website on April 13, 2022. You can find it again HERE. Agriculture, and more generally, food production, has been mankind’s principal activity since its very first settlements. Under the pretence of feeding mankind, from the nineteenth century onwards, this activity has become industrialised (through mechanisation,…