1st anniversary of the UNDROP – Joint statement by UN human rights experts*

1st anniversary of the UNDROP – Joint statement by UN human rights experts*

The need to take steps to implement the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas Source: https://www.ohchr.org/en/statements/2019/12/joint-statement-un-human-rights-experts-1st-anniversary-adoption-un-declaration 17 December 2019 The following joint statement has been made by a group of United Nations human rights experts* to mark the 1st anniversary of the adoption of the UN Declaration…

The Rights of Peasants: A juridical and political lever to challenge the power of transnational corporations

The Rights of Peasants: A juridical and political lever to challenge the power of transnational corporations

This article was originally published on the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s website on April 13, 2022. You can find it again HERE. Agriculture, and more generally, food production, has been mankind’s principal activity since its very first settlements. Under the pretence of feeding mankind, from the nineteenth century onwards, this activity has become industrialised (through mechanisation,…

International Instruments on Peasants’ Rights

The UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas (UNDROP) has been adopted to protect the rights of some of the most marginalised people in the world, who together represent around two billion people: peasants, landless people, people living from traditional fishing, herding, and hunting activities, and rural workers. The UNDROP is based on a number of international instruments, including (1) international human rights instruments, (2) the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Protocols, and (3) the Plant Treaty.

The Path of Peasant and Popular Feminism in La Via Campesina – illustrated

The Path of Peasant and Popular Feminism in La Via Campesina – illustrated

This publication was originally published on the La Via Campesina website on November 25, 2021. You can find it HERE. On 25th November, La Via Campesina’s global campaign to eliminate gender-based violence finds resonance in a newly launched graphic book that traces The Path of Peasant & Popular Feminism in the movement. On this day, when members…