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La Via Campesina and CETIM have organized a training course for La Via Campesina members in August 2023, and are now making training materials available to all. This material is also available in PDF version here. Session 2 of the UNDROP training seminar aims to provide a general overview and analysis of the key rights…

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

This research brief is a publication by the Geneva Academy, you can find it on its website here. This Researche Brief is the summary of a longer publication on The Right to Seeds in Africa, you can find it on our website here. The implementation of UNDROP represents a unique opportunity to redress the imbalance…

Honduras: Supreme Court uses UNDROP article 19 on the right to seeds to declare unconstitutional the Monsanto Law

Honduras: Supreme Court uses UNDROP article 19 on the right to seeds to declare unconstitutional the Monsanto Law

In November 2021, the Supreme Court of Honduras unanimously declared the Plant Variety Protection Law (Decree Nº 21-2012) unconstitutional, on the grounds that it violated the Constitution, various international treaties ratified by Honduras, as well as international standards related to the protection of the right to adequate nutrition. This judgment is one of the first to…

Training sheets on peasants’ rights

Training sheets on peasants’ rights

CETIM has published a series of training sheets to serve as support for activities and trainings in view of the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (Declaration). After adopting the Declaration, we are now in a new phase: implementation. It is absolutely vital…

Thematic Booklet Nº1 : “Access to Resources and Means of Production”

Thematic Booklet Nº1 : “Access to Resources and Means of Production”

The First Thematic Booklet on “Access to Resources and Means of Production” is here! This is the first of four thematic booklets—part of the popular education materials to be used as a crucial step in reconnecting those who inspired and created United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in the…

Implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) in light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP)
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Implementing the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) in light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas (UNDROP)

The more a seed system recognizes and supports farmers as stewards of a seed system for all of humankind, the more this system fulfils people’s human rights. M. Fakhri, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food