
Training: The UN Working Group on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas

Online training open to everyone!

Thursday August 29th, 2024 – 10-12AM and 1-3PM (CET)

Translations in English, French and Spanish

Zoom Link

The United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the UN Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas (UNDROP) on 17 December 2018. Four years later, on 12 October 2023, the Human Rights Council created the UN Working Group on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas to promote UNDROP’s implementation. This Working Group of 5 independent experts started its work on 1st May 2024, for a first period of three years.

Fastenaktion and the Geneva Academy invite you under the RAISE Project to this online training.
This training aims to present this new mechanism, and to promote its use by rights holders and
their allies. We will discuss the UN working group’s creation and composition, mandate and
potential activities, and provides examples of the work of other UN human rights mechanisms.


First Part (morning)

  1. Introduction and moderation by Claudia Fuhrer, Fastenaktion and RAISE project
  2. Christophe Golay, Senior Research Fellow, Geneva Academy of International
    Humanitarian Law and Human Rights: United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms and
    the UN Working Group on UNDROP
  3. Geneviève Savigny, Chair-Rapporteur of the UN Working Group: Challenges and
    Opportunities of the UN Working Group on UNDROP
  4. Discussion with all participants

Second part (afternoon)

  1. Work in groups on using the UN Working Group on UNDROP (1 hour, in geographic or
    other groups depending on the interests of the participants)
  2. Restitution of the work in groups, and potential for collaboration across groups (1 hour)

NB: Please note that only participants who joined the morning session can attend the afternoon group work and plenary. The group work is based on the training of the morning.


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