Ever so current archive: the situation of peasants in Europe still demands UNDROP rights – Interview with Vincent DelobelEver so current archive:

Ever so current archive: the situation of peasants in Europe still demands UNDROP rights – Interview with Vincent DelobelEver so current archive:

Vincent Delobel, a peasant farmer in Belgium, describes the situation of peasants in Europe. First of all, it’s very difficult for peasants to earn a decent income from their work, and secondly, it’s impossible for many young people to set up or take over a farm because of the financial cost and pressure on land….

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas: One Step Forward in the Promotion of Human Rights for the Most Vulnerable

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas: One Step Forward in the Promotion of Human Rights for the Most Vulnerable

This article is a Research Paper from the South Center, it was first published in November 2020. In this paper the two authors, who were key actors of the adoption of UNDROP, explain how the UNDROP came to be, some of the rights enshrined in it and finally they open perspectives for the future. There…

Video-interview with Guy Kastler (LVC): The importance of the rights to seeds for peasants

Video-interview with Guy Kastler (LVC): The importance of the rights to seeds for peasants

Guy Kasler, peasant rights activist and member of the Confédération Paysanne (France) and La Via Campesina, talks about the importance of the right to seeds for family farmers. Indeed, their ability to produce food and meet their own needs depends on it. But we mustn’t forget that this rights is also important for humanity as…

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

Reasearch Brief: The Right to Seeds in Africa

This research brief is a publication by the Geneva Academy, you can find it on its website here. This Researche Brief is the summary of a longer publication on The Right to Seeds in Africa, you can find it on our website here. The implementation of UNDROP represents a unique opportunity to redress the imbalance…

Peasant agriculture: a key element in the fight against the climate crisis
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Peasant agriculture: a key element in the fight against the climate crisis

The current climate crisis is undeniably part of the ongoing multidimensional crisis of the neoliberal system: a system that sacrifices environmental balances and ecosystems for the short-term profit of dominant minorities, particularly the transnational agribusiness. In the face of this, advocacy efforts are being made at international level to counter the devastating effects of this…

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°2 

Defending Peasants’ Rights – Newsletter n°2 

The videos from our webinar The UNDROP Alive and Kicking are here!  You can watch our webinar for the International day of Peasants Struggles on our website!To mark that day, Defending Peasants Rights and La Via Campesina organized a webinar gathering 8 peasants from around the world, who shared how they are integrating and using…

Videos of our webinar : The UNDROP Alive and Kicking, Peasants’ Rights in practice – A regional perspective

Videos of our webinar : The UNDROP Alive and Kicking, Peasants’ Rights in practice – A regional perspective

Videos of the webinar organized on April 17 for the International day of Peasants’ Struggle. For the International day of Peasants’ Struggles, La Via Campesina and Defending Peasants’ Rights organized a webinar on the uses of UNDROP in peasant’s struggles since its adoption. La Via Campesina members around the world are using UNDROP in their…

Peasants Rights Now!
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Peasants Rights Now!

This article was first published in Peasants Voice, the All Nepal Peasant Federation (ANPFa) Bulletin, in May 2022. In this article Pramesh Pokharel, who is General Secretary of ANPFa, introduces the UNDROP and encourages Nepalese peasants to appropriate the UNDROP and use it for their struggles. Background We know about various United Nations instruments to…

The United Nations Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas

The United Nations Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas

This paper was published in October 2019 in the Journal of Peasants Studies, in its Grassroots Voices section. They are described as : “views that are written and presented in a non-academic style which provide important insights and information relevant to critical rural development studies. Grassroots Voices are intended to share wisdom and analysis direct…

The UNDROP and its implementation in the context of Switzerland: an overview of political networks and challenges
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The UNDROP and its implementation in the context of Switzerland: an overview of political networks and challenges

In this article, Danilo Borghi Gonçalves Pinto analyses the perspectives and challenges of the Swiss coalition “Friends of the Declaration” in the promotion and implementation of the UNDROP in Switzerland. It identifies that although the coalition has mobilised the UNDROP on national and international spheres, the level of political articulation is greater in the latter…

Declaration of Peasants Rights: An Instrument in the Struggle for Land

Declaration of Peasants Rights: An Instrument in the Struggle for Land

Now that the Declaration completes 4 years, read about some achievements and challenges of the peasant movement to implement it #LVC30Years #PeasantRightsNow This article was first publish on Capire’s website on December 20th, 2022. You can find it here. The Declaration of Peasant Rights was approved by the United Nations (UN) on December 17, 2018….